[ApplicationError] MA01 = Section << #1 >>, Key - #2 : missing in the Config file MA02 = Section << #1 >>, Key - #2 : value #3 in the Config file is not correct MA03 = Section << #1 >>, Key - #2 : file does not exist at #3 MA04 = Message body encryption error MA05 = #1 file does not exist as #2. MA07 = The DTO value of << #1 >> is invalid type. < ex. is not String > MA99 = System internal error [ConfigError] MB01 = Not found the Config file #1 MB02 = Could not read the Config file MB03 = SSLSocketFactory creation failed MB99 = System internal error [ConnectionError] MF01 = Could not connect socket to the Proxy Server MF02 = Could not connect socket to the GW Server MF03 = Connection to server timed out MF99 = System internal error